Forward again!

You will have heard of the glass-ceiling, the imaginary barrier at work that stops progression.  But you will not have heard of the glass-front-door.  The glass front door is the imaginary barrier at home that prevents useful ideas learnt in the workplace form being applied in the rest of your life. 

In The Change Ninja Returns, Tammy has broken the glass front door.  Once again, in a beautifully innovative, engaging game-play book Tammy has managed to take great ideas learnt for work and transport them into daily life.  Just like her first book, The Change Ninja, this book is a steady progression of examples, laughter and application. 

Initially you will ignore the strap line, “This time it’s personal”, assuming it’s just a play on the words in the title but then slowly you will realise that it is personal – It is about real learning of useful ninja moves applied to real life challenges. 

As you work along to the PETs* and score yourself on actions and decisions on the journey you will find your own barriers begin to dissolve.  Written with open honesty the journey Tammy takes over the course of a year provides many insights into life and challenges which you will recognise from a first-person perspective.

Who are your Wing People for Change?

Of course you may be wondering why I am not at all surprised by the rollercoaster of events and panoply of emotions that arise (Hint – because I was there in the background) but when you have finished enjoying this book, no actually before you finish, get hold of The Change Ninja and in the name of work-life balance start ninja-ing your life on the outside of your glass front door, at work, now. 

Eddie Obeng

Burke Lodge Beaconsfield