The Immersive Coaching Residential

Your challenge

You or a member of your team need some coaching but you want to do it in a different way. You (or they) are stuck, don’t know what to do, have tried everything and need something that will spark new thinking and insights. You could get a coach, but know that talking every week for the next 12 weeks is unlikely to shift things enough, however good the coach is. And you don’t have time. Meetings will get in the way and you will be trying to squeeze it in with everything else. You need results fast which means you need to focus, away from other distractions, work through new insights, perhaps learn some new tools and come up with a clear plan of action of what needs to change.

Your solution

This 2.5 day immersive residential will give you time to really get stuck into your current challenge you need to explore. You will gain fresh insights, learn new practical tools and come away feeling motivated to make the changes you’ve decided on. In short you will get fast results and the tools to make immediate changes that you know will be the right changes for you.

Before the residential participants will be offered a 1:1 to establish their current challenge and a virtual meetup with other participants. Following the workshop 3 sessions will be planned to check actions are on target and to explore other insights /changes that may occur following implmentation of solutions.

Based on the Change Ninja Handbook this immersive residential uses the STAIR model to explore, apply and learn new ways of thinking through challenges

Please get in touch for more information










Thinking differently about change